Friday, 9 December 2011

Feel Good - Walk Tall, Shower & Laugh It Up!

As we lead into what promises to be another crazed, not-at-all relaxing weekend in the midst of silly season, I thought I would send you on your merry way with a couple of tips to feel good. Simple things to improve your outlook on life!


Stop comparing yourself with other people to your own detriment. However wonderful others may seem compared to you, be assured that every great looking person knows that there is always someone more attractive than them, or that they don't have the greatness inside them to back their looks up.

Instead of putting yourself down, look up to yourself. Remember, real joy comes from within. YOU are a complete original, and happiness comes from accepting yourself as you are.


Get your weekend day off to a happy start with an uplifting wake-up shower. Try alternating blasts of cold and hot water - it will kick start your metabolism and boost your circulation, encouraging oxygen-rich blood to reach every tissue of your body. If you are musical, don't be afraid to bust out a tune whilst you are in there. Soak up the awesome acoustics that is your bathroom. If your housemates complain, feel free to blame me! I can take it!

To continue the feel-good feeling, pat yourself dry with a thick, fluffy towel and moisturise your skin from head to toe. Guys - this may sound odd to you, but hydrated skin is healthy skin - and ladies like touchable skin! Then slap on your favourite perfume or cologne. It doesn't matter if you aren't going anywhere special - treat yourself to your favourite scent - just because you are awesome!


Three minutes of good, hearty, rip-roaring laughter can be as beneficial to your body as ten minutes of hard aerobic exercise. It deepens your breathing, lifts your endorphin levels (the body's own feel-good hormones) and protects you against depression. Many people comment that I am the happiest person they now - and a big part of that is because I laugh regularly, and I laugh hard!

So if you want to feel happy and bubbly too, get those laughter hormones going - see a funny film, read a funny book, think back to a funny occasion, call a funny friend - and have a really good chuckle. Giggling also gives facial muscles a good workout and will make everyone around you feel better too. Guys - yes I mean you too. There is nothing funnier than a grown man crying. Click here for one of the funniest moments of 2011. (about 2:20 in if you are in a hurry)

Have a happy weekend all!

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