Thursday, 10 November 2011

Appreciate Greatness

In Australia, we have a thing against flowers. In particular, poppy flowers. Especially, tall poppy flowers.

Tall poppy syndrome is a social phenomenon in which people of genuine merit are resented, attacked, cut down, or criticised because their talents or achievements elevate them above or distinguish them from their peers. Which is so wrong, I don't know where to begin, but here goes...

Now is the time to appreciate greatness.

Some people deserve our admiration.
Too often we deny it to them
because of jealousy or cynicism.
Give respect and admiration where it is due.
Men like Nelson Mandela and women
like Mother Teresa epitomise greatness.
Acknowledging their greatness does them,
and us, credit.

Now whilst we don't all know people of the same acclaim as Mandela or Mother Teresa, in our own worlds, and on our own scales of awesomeness, we all know great people. People who inspire us to do more with our lives. People who show us what humans are truly capable of. People who change the world for the better.

Do not waste time being jealous, spend a moment telling them they inspire you, and then do something with that inspiration. You never know - but your words might just make their day, or help them through a tough time, or reinvigorate them to keep on keeping on.

A fellow Rotaractor (who I  see as a shining example of greatness in my generation) wrote me a thirteen word message of encouragement the other day. It was simple. To the point. It totally made my day. It reminded me why I dedicate so much of my time to Splash for Cash and other Rotaract projects. When I see her in 48 hours I am going to hug and thank her.

So go do it - right now - send an email, or a Facebook post, or an SMS or do it face to face - tell someone you consider great just how great they are, and let them inspire you to your own personal greatness.

'No sadder proof can be given by a man of his own littleness
than disbelief in great men."
Thomas Carlyle

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