Thursday, 3 November 2011

If You Were Waiting For A Sign...

Ever put something important off?
Ever put something not so important but still necessary off?
It is a dirty word in my house, but procrastination can be a silent killer.

It is rare for procrastination to lead to a loss of life, but it is quite common for procrastination to lead to the death of a dream. People are always 'waiting for the right time', 'I'll be starting tomorrow', 'getting to it soon' or 'planning it out' - basically doing anything other than actively working towards their dream right now.

We are all guilty of it. We all put things off. Some of us more than others (you know who you are). So I ask you - what are you waiting for? Reflect on what it is you want from life, and take a small but meaningful step towards it.

Got dreams?

Then go for it already!

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