Monday, 7 November 2011

Don't Love It? Then Don't Live It!

I was re-reading a favourite little trinket of a book 'Words Are Not Things' this morning. This whole little book is full of random food for thought concepts. Like the text on the back cover which is upside down says "The back cover can pretend to be the front cover if you print it upside down". Truly random thoughts fill every page of the book, but one particular page jumped out at me today.

If there is a part of your life you don't want, don't live it

I think the reason this line grabbed me was because I am currently busy shaking up my life. All who know me, know I am a happy person by nature. However, in recent months I had come to realise that my general happiness with the status quo that is my everyday life, was allowing me to become complacent. I was content with life in general, and I allowed this feeling to dominate my thoughts.

Now I'm not saying there is anything wrong with being happy and content. Quite the opposite actually. I firmly believe that people should be generally happy with their lot in life. We should make the best of what is thrown our way. It seems to me though, that I am not the only one who allows 'feeling good about life' to prevent them from making changes to improve the parts of their life they don't like.

I figured it was time to step up and admit to myself what things in my life I wasn't happy with. Once done, I made an action plan to affect change in these areas. Last month I worked on decluttering my life and finally got on top of my messy habits. Now my key focus is on improving my fitness levels as I work towards swimming 22 kilometres (approximately 14 miles) at the Splash for Cash swimathon next year to raise thousands of dollars for the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children.

I have a list of other things my life that are okay, but not great, and an action plan on how I am going to change them for the better. I am stoutly refusing to live the parts of my life that I am not content with and that are anything less than the greatness I am capable of.

I believe every person is capable of greatness. The definition of what constitutes greatness will vary from person to person, but just the same, I would love to live in a world where every person strives to discover their own personal greatness; a world where we stop accepting the status quo in our lives and start chasing after the lives we truly want.

Stop waiting for it to happen... go MAKE it happen!

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